Save Water this Summer with Compost!

 In these periods of drought, it is critical that we conserve water.  A great way to tackle the water challenge is to incorporate compost into your summer garden and landscape. In addition to providing valuable nutrients, compost has been proven to increase soil’s water retention capacity. Here are a few ways to incorporate compost into your garden and landscape throughout the summer to conserve water and boost plant health:

Mulch – Compost or other organic material spread around plants, trees, and shrubs helps suppress weed growth, regulate soil temperatures and hold moisture near plants’ roots. Soil amendment – Work compost into the soil around your plants (side-dressing) to revitalize old soil and give vital nutrients to your summer crops. Doing this in combination with mulching will give you the best water-saving results! Compost tea and leachate – Consider using compost tea or vermicompost leachate as a soil drench around plants that may be stressed by heat, dry conditions, pests, disease, or heavy yields. Many composters report improvements in plant health by applying compost tea throughout the season.

Adding compost to your garden during summer can help reduce your water needs and add valuable nutrients to your garden and landscape. Using compost created in your backyard or a sustainable product like EcoScraps Organic Moisture Retaining Compost will save money on your water bills by improving water penetration and retention and reducing runoff and evaporation. Want to get started composting? We offer free 2 hour composting workshops throughout San Diego County. For more information about EcoScraps and their sustainable and eco-friendly compost that is made from composted food scraps, visit their website at #ecoscraps