Secondhand compost bins take recycling to the next level

At Solana Center, we live the values of reduce, reuse, and recycle in all forms. This spurred the idea to offer our pre-loved bins to the community at reduced prices at our store. This is a solution to both provide residents with an opportunity to give their compost bins another life if they aren’t being used and also answer the demand for compost bins in the face of delayed supply chains impacting the industry.
This is a call for compost bin donations! If you have had a compost bin sitting around in your yard not being used, have perhaps upgraded to a larger size bin, or are now participating in your city’s curbside organics recycling pickup program, we encourage you to give your bin a second life and drop it off at our center. (Please note ideally we’d like to receive compost bins that are in useable working condition, but if you only have parts that is okay too, we can get creative and reassemble before finding it a new home!)
Come shop our second-hand compost shop during business hours Thursdays and Saturdays or give our staff a call at (760) 436-7986 ex. 700 to hear what secondhand bins we have in stock.
Happy composting!