Top Three Reasons to Become a Master Composter

Blog Post by Master Composter Graduate, Tammy Churchill.  When I registered for the Master Composter Course in early 2020, I did not have much experience composting, as my neglected passive pile would gladly attest. Composting was something I was interested in: I’d moved into a new house with plenty of room for growing vegetables, and…

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Climate Solutions: Save Water This Summer With Compost!

In Southern California, it is critical that we conserve water. A great way to tackle the water challenge is to incorporate compost into your summer garden and landscape. In addition to providing valuable nutrients, compost has been proven to increase soil’s water retention capacity. Here are a couple of ways to incorporate compost into your garden…

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How Do Tumbler Compost Bins Work?

Tumblers are composting bins that are manually flipped, spun, rolled or crank-turned for aeration, depending on the style. These bins do not require turning with a pitchfork or auger, instead, the entire compost bin is turned for aeration. There are several variations on this theme. Spinning Tumbler This tumbler is spun around a central axis.…

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Climate Solutions: How to Manage Weeds Without Toxic Chemicals

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. — Ralph Waldo Emerson Before discussing how to eliminate weeds, there are some common weeds that are both edible and nutritious. Harvesting free greens from our gardens is one way to approach the plants we did not intend to have in our…

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Climate Solutions: What Is the Right Moisture Content for My Worm Bin?

Moisture content is very important when composting with worms. This is because your red wigglers breathe through their skin and need appropriate moisture to do so. Often times the materials you add will give your bin moisture, but you will likely still need to add water to obtain the appropriate amount (especially with warmer weather).…

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Climate Solutions: How to Manage Bee Swarms in Your Compost Bin

Bee swarm in compost garden

What Should You Do First? Many of us know that bees serve a vital role in the environment as pollinators, and that their populations have seen a concerning decline in recent years. However, it can still be alarming when a swarm of honeybees chooses to land around our home– including the inside of a compost…

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Composting Key to Regenerative Agriculture

There’s a lot of buzz about regenerative agriculture, particularly its ability to capture carbon in soil and in aboveground biomass, as well as its many benefits for farmers, consumers, and local environments. According to regenerative agriculture, the answer lies beneath our feet.  Soil loss is a global problem and growing worse around the world, at…

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Climate Solutions: Can Weeds be Composted?

There is not a simple yes or no answer to this query. Weeds have many nutrients so they are a great addition to the compost pile, but you do not want compost filled with viable weed seeds. The best time to take care of weeds is when they are small and have not established deep…

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Climate Solutions: Can I convert a garbage can into a compost bin?

Yes, it is a great solution when a compost pile is just not feasible because of small yards or sensitive neighbors.  Here’s a cheap and easy way to convert one of your garbage cans into a compost bin. Materials: – 30+ gallon plastic garbage can, with locking lid (optional: bungee cords to hold the lid…

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Plastic Recycling Program – Thanks to Plastic Beach!

Tell a friend; we’ve got a plastic bag and wrap recycling program at Solana Center! Thanks to our partner Plastic Beach for making recycling easier for plastic materials that can’t go in the standard blue bin. They work to ensure all of the plastic bags and film are staying in the U.S. and being recycled nearby,…

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