Manure Composting for Backyard Farmers Workshop – Alpine

Are you a backyard farmer with a flock of chickens or a small herd of goats, horses, llamas, or maybe a cow? Learn how to properly dispose of your feathered or furry friends’ manure. Join us to learn how composting manure can benefit your garden, our waterways, your budget, and the planet.
In this presentation, you will learn how to protect your local watershed and safely compost herbivore (plant eaters) manure. Close the food chain cycle in your own backyard! By putting the waste of your farm animals to use in your garden, you will take advantage of nutrient rich amendments that are created on your own property. Composting is easy and inexpensive, and will help your plants thrive while conserving water.
We will cover the following topics:
- The basics and benefits of composting
- The importance of proper manure management
- How to reduce pests, health hazards, and water contamination
- How to compost manure safely
- How to get started at home
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