Supporting the Community with a Pivot to Online Learning

In this unprecedented time, it has been inspiring to see our community come together. From shifts in supply chains to get food to those in need while preventing waste to new socially-distant shopping directly from local farms, artisans, and small businesses – San Diego has shone resilient.
Solana Center is proud to continue to provide environmental education and innovation in the San Diego region, even as our ability to meet in person has been diminished.
Despite these uncertain times, we remain dedicated to our mission to address the region’s most pressing environmental issues and enact impactful change. To that end, we have reopened our Food Cycle program to continue to divert waste from the landfill in recent days, offering the community another way to manage their waste, especially at a time when so many are at home more than ever before.
In addition to continuing to divert thousands of pounds of organic waste from landfills with Food Cycle, we are proud to announce the launch of our new Virtual Workshop Series. Sponsored by the City of Encinitas and County of San Diego, we’re adapting a few of our workshops for the great virtual world. Participants will experience the same in-depth content led by our educators as we typically offer in the community – all from the comfort of your own home!
Interested in learning how to reduce waste, make more eco-friendly choices, and help protect our planet’s natural resources? Check out the virtual lineup of free webinars:
– All About Worm Composting “Worminar” May 21 / May 23
– Achieving Your Zero Waste Potential June 2 / June 6
– Manure Management for Small Ranches or Farms June 10 / June 13
– Backyard Composting June 11 / June 13
– Smart Ways to Fight Food Waste June 16 / June 20
– Manure Management for Large-Scale Ranches and Farms June 17 / June 20
– Raising Backyard Chickens “Cluckinar” June 18 / June 21
Be sure to keep an eye on our events page in the coming weeks, we’re adding more programming content regularly!
We acknowledge that daily life and routines have shifted, and because of that we wanted to make sure to offer these resources at multiple dates/times for each topic – including both during the week and weekend. Visit our events tab on the site to check out the schedule and sign up for these free virtual workshops.
We are grateful for the generous funding from the City of Encinitas and County of San Diego making it possible to bring this educational content to the community. We invite you to tune in with the whole family – these virtual workshops make great supplementary homeschool lessons. If you’re interested or planning to attend, share this opportunity with a friend and invite them to join in on the fun – we’ll see you there!