Check out the work we did together! | Impact Report

We are proud to share our organization’s latest Impact Report.
With the support and enthusiasm of our community, we:
- Reached and educated thousands of San Diego residents and businesses on the importance of diverting organic waste from landfills.
- Prevented hundreds of thousands of pounds of greenhouse gases by composting. (Roughly equivalent to the yearly emissions of 50,000 cars!)
- Distributed thousands of sustainability accessories, such as rain barrels and home compost kits.
- Doubled the number of attendees to our webinars and workshops.
Undeterred by continued pandemic-related restrictions and challenges, Solana Center retooled our programs for virtual education; contactless electronic, universal, and food waste collection; online purchases; and even social-distanced and virtual volunteer opportunities. The dedication of our staff and this amazing community of environmental stewards continue to impress.
I am particularly proud of our messaging, our delivery, and our professionalism, which has been recognized and rewarded with expansion. Solana Center is now a provider of services to 14 of the 19 jurisdictions in San Diego County. Our work on surplus food diversion is reaching the entire community – households, businesses, and cities. We have grown our reach, staff, and impact.
We remain a mission driven-organization and, though we are growing, not all of our work is paid. Program development, research, outreach, and services to economically-disadvantaged areas require grants and donations to fund. We love sharing what we have accomplished because your support helps make it happen.
Your support, your flexibility, and your unwavering commitment to the environment enable outcomes such as those highlighted below. And we can, together, do more.
Any amount of donations helps tremendously.
As always, we are so grateful to be on this journey with all of you. Take a moment to read through a recap of the amazing work that you helped us accomplish and hear what the community had to say. So much has happened in just one year, imagine what your support could help us achieve next year!
Sustainably yours,
Jessica Toth
Executive Director
“I loved the breadth of the course, especially the inclusion of information about the stewardship of the earth, and how composting fits in. Very comprehensive and inspiring! Thank you.”
– Composting Workshop Participant
“The work the Solana Center does is inspiring and I love meeting the staff and all of the other volunteers! It feels great doing something that has meaning in this world!”
– Solana Center Volunteer
“I viewed the virtual zero-waste workshop on food waste a couple of weeks ago and I just want to say it was one of the best virtual events I’ve attended. The content was really good – a mix of big-picture and smaller, actionable advice. I was amazed at one of the presenters going through her own refrigerator and talking through different items. Overall, extremely impressed. Keep up the great work and I’m excited for the next one.”
– Zero Waste Workshop Participant