It’s Time to Install Your Rain Barrel

Did you know that rainwater is the best water for plants? Though San Diego’s average rainfall is less than 12 inches a year, a rain barrel configured to receive water from your home’s downspouts can help you store up to 50 gallons of free, untreated water on your property. Think about misty mornings too. Water can collect on the roof overnight and needs somewhere to go besides becoming runoff.
Here are some tips for locating your new rain barrel:
- identify a level location on your property near the downspouts and plants that need it the most
- keep in mind that the Ivy rain barrels available through the Solana Center have a locking lid and are expected to keep out mosquitos
- position your rain barrel so that a garden hose can be hooked up for watering
- remember that you’ll need tools to install the rain barrel – watch the installation video at
Now is the best time to purchase and install a rain barrel. Be sure to order yours today at!