Four Ocean-Friendly Gardening Tips

Many San Diegans are concerned about keeping our waterways clean. In fact, surveys conducted across San Diego County show that more than 50% of residents believe that pollution of our creeks, lakes, and beaches directly affects them and their families. Yet in many urban areas, water runoff is the #1 source of ocean pollution. This…

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It’s Time to Install Your Rain Barrel

Did you know that rainwater is the best water for plants? Though San Diego’s average rainfall is less than 12 inches a year, a rain barrel configured to receive water from your home’s downspouts can help you store up to 50 gallons of free, untreated water on your property. Think about misty mornings too. Water…

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Recycling Used Motor Oil

Did you know that used motor oil never wears out? It just gets dirty and can be recycled, cleaned, and used again. Recycling used motor oil conserves a natural resource and is good for the environment too! Motor oil poured onto the ground or into storm drains, or tossed into trash cans can contaminate and…

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Stormwater & Urban Runoff

Why should I bother recycling motor oil? What happens if I don’t? Best case, your oil is burned as fuel. Worst case, your oil doesn’t get to a disposal center. Remember, oil floats on top of the water, and if your oil gets loose, especially during a rain storm, it will drift away downstream, towards…

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How can I reduce the amount of water I use when composting?

Water conservation is an important concern for all homeowners and gardeners in California these days, especially in Southern California as it gets into the warmer summer months. Using compost in your yard and garden helps to reduce the amount of watering that your plants need by improving soil structure and, thus, the soil’s ability to retain…

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Rainwater is Great in your Compost Pile!

You might hear our educators telling you to take the lid off your compost bin when rain is in the forecast. Why is that so important? First, the rainwater is free hydration for your bin. Compost bins are frequently dry in our Southern California climate. Also, rainwater is basically pure…there are no chemicals or salts,…

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Understanding the Value of Water for a Sustainable Future

70% of the planet is covered in water. Only 2% of this is fresh water. 1.6% of this freshwater is locked in polar ice caps and glaciers. This leaves about .4% fresh water for the world’s 7.9 billion people to survive on.  Do these facts about water surprise you? Water is the largest natural resource vital to human…

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