Benefits of a Mechanized Trommel

How will Solana Center’s mechanized trommel benefit you?

Investing in a trommel has multiple benefits, but the primary purpose for acquiring this equipment is to accommodate the growth of the Food Cycle program and process compost faster. A trommel will:

  • allow the Food Cycle program to grow, serving more local families, individuals and organizations;
  • divert more food waste from the landfill;
  • create healthy soil faster; and
  • remove more carbon from the atmosphere and put it back into the soil.

What is a trommel and how does it fit into the composting process?

A trommel is a cylindrical, mechanized sifter that takes compost in its final stage and filters out the fine soil from any clumps or larger pieces. It separates the soil that is ready-to-use from the soil that needs to continue to decompose. It allows Solana Center to process more organic matter at a faster pace.

What is the result?

Healthier soils, less food waste going to the landfill and reduced carbon in the atmosphere. Over a 3-year period, Solana Center diverted 6 million pounds of organic waste from the landfill and returned it to the soil. This resulted in 11,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. We have more work to do and you can help. A trommel will help speed up the decomposition process, resulting in the diversion of more organic matter.

Why is this important to the Food Cycle program?

Food Cycle is growing. On average, Solana Center processes 1,000 lbs. of organic matter a month and our capacity is expanding. The program allows participants to collect their kitchen scraps into buckets and deliver it to Solana Center to compost. Over 100 participants, including businesses, the City of Encinitas and the Community Center collect their kitchen scraps for us to turn into healthy soil.

If you want to help us divert more organic waste from the landfills and create healthier soil in our community, Solana Center would love your support of the trommel fund.