Recycling Used Motor Oil

Did you know that used motor oil never wears out? It just gets dirty and can be recycled, cleaned, and used again. Recycling used motor oil conserves a natural resource and is good for the environment too! Motor oil poured onto the ground or into storm drains, or tossed into trash cans can contaminate and…

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Stormwater & Urban Runoff

Why should I bother recycling motor oil? What happens if I don’t? Best case, your oil is burned as fuel. Worst case, your oil doesn’t get to a disposal center. Remember, oil floats on top of the water, and if your oil gets loose, especially during a rain storm, it will drift away downstream, towards…

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What is an Aerated Static Pile (ASP)?

Solana Center employee hosting community event on composting

Have you seen us mention ASP compost before and wondering what it means? ASP stands for aerated static pile which is a powerful system that uses large pipes to circulate air from fans through the pile, eliminating the need to physically aerate the composting organic material. This system can manage large quantities of waste and makes it particularly suitable…

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Construya Su Propio Recipiente de Malla

El recipiente de malla galvanizada es una solución económica para el abono. Se puede construir por menos de $20 y es fácil para mantener. Para mezclar el abono, simplemente deshaga el recipiente y muévalo al lado del material; luego vierta el abono en el recipiente en su nuevo lugar.  Materiales Necesarios  10 pies de media…

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Home Composting Resources in the San Diego Area

Are you looking for home composting resources in the San Diego area? Solana Center carries many supplies for pick up from our center in Encinitas. Visit our online store to purchase supplies or view the complete list of locations that sell composting products in the City of San Diego.

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DIY: Build Your Own Backyard Compost Bin

Stackable Wooden Compost Bin The stackable wooden compost bin requires minimal carpentry skills to build. The cost depends largely on the quality of materials used, but you can expect it to cost around $50 when using cedar planks. Materials can also be obtained for free by scavenging wood from old fencing. The wooden compost bin…

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5 Ways to Heat Up Your Compost Pile

Want to get finished compost faster? You may want to try increasing the internal temperature of your backyard bin! Contrary to popular belief, compost piles do not heat up or drop in temperature due to atmospheric conditions (i.e. sun exposure, warm weather or cold weather) but rather, as a result of heat generation by specialized…

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Food Waste – A BIG Impact!

Food Waste is any food that was meant for human consumption that was removed from the human food chain for various reasons. How Much Food is Wasted The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated in 2011 that a staggering one-third of all food that is produced in the world is never eaten. In the United States…

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DIY: Building Your Own Worm Bin & Getting Started Vermicomposting

Don’t think you have any room for traditional backyard composting at home? We hear that often from residents with small yards or who live in apartments or condos. Have you considered composting with a worm bin? Now, don’t make that face. Worm bins are easy, don’t smell, are a great way to recycle food, and…

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