Case Study: CDFA Healthy Soils Program Success Stories

Solana Center is funded by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to provide technical assistance to HSP program grant awardees, free of charge.  For nearly a decade we have guided local farmers and growers through applying for funding and implementing farming practices over three-year award periods, as well as preparing reporting documentation over…

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Composting Key to Regenerative Agriculture

There’s a lot of buzz about regenerative agriculture, particularly its ability to capture carbon in soil and in aboveground biomass, as well as its many benefits for farmers, consumers, and local environments. According to regenerative agriculture, the answer lies beneath our feet.  Soil loss is a global problem and growing worse around the world, at…

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Build Healthy Soils with Free Assistance to Secure up to $100,000 Grant Funding!

Join Solana Center for Environmental Innovation (Solana Center) for a free technical assistance webinar for farmers and ranchers to learn more about applying for up to $100,000 in state grant funding. Assistance is provided by the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Healthy Soils Program (HSP) for farmers to implement conservation management practices that…

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New Resource Guide: 4 Most Common Healthy Soil Farming Practices

Did you know the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Healthy Soils Program (HSP) provides financial assistance to California farmers, growers, and ranchers for implementation of one or more HSP agricultural management practices to improve soil health, including compost & mulch application, cover cropping, no-till methods, conservation planting, and more? During the last solicitation period, CDFA allocated $67.5 million worth of HSP awards,…

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What is an Aerated Static Pile (ASP)?

Solana Center employee hosting community event on composting

Have you seen us mention ASP compost before and wondering what it means? ASP stands for aerated static pile which is a powerful system that uses large pipes to circulate air from fans through the pile, eliminating the need to physically aerate the composting organic material. This system can manage large quantities of waste and makes it particularly suitable…

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5 Ways to Heat Up Your Compost Pile

Want to get finished compost faster? You may want to try increasing the internal temperature of your backyard bin! Contrary to popular belief, compost piles do not heat up or drop in temperature due to atmospheric conditions (i.e. sun exposure, warm weather or cold weather) but rather, as a result of heat generation by specialized…

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Benefits of a Mechanized Trommel

How will Solana Center’s mechanized trommel benefit you? Investing in a trommel has multiple benefits, but the primary purpose for acquiring this equipment is to accommodate the growth of the Food Cycle program and process compost faster. A trommel will: allow the Food Cycle program to grow, serving more local families, individuals and organizations; divert more food…

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