Healthy Soils Make Food and People Healthier

Healthy soils help make a healthy environment and nourishing food for our bodies. This winter, Solana Center worked with local farmers and ranchers to discuss the state’s Healthy Soils Program, strategize ways to implement best management practices, and improve productivity. According to the Farm Bureau, San Diego County has more small farms than any other county in the US…

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From the Rotline: Are Mushrooms Bad for my Compost Bin?

Fear not! Fungi are essential players in a functioning vermi-compost system. They are part of the food chain going on in your bin; while we often think that worms are directly eating our food waste, what they’re really after are the microorganisms that digest our food. This includes bacteria, which can break down simple carbon compounds…

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Master Composter Class Tours Compost Facility, Family Dairy

Students in Solana Center’s Fall Master Composter course, sponsored by the County of San Diego, were treated to an excellent example of how composting can solve local waste issues during a field trip on November 3rd. The class visited San Pasqual Valley Soils and Konyn Dairy, adjacent businesses that partner together to make the most of…

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Methane Limiting Legislation Brings Change

It is a very exciting time for those of us concerned with food waste! For over 20 years, Solana Center has been promoting various ways to divert organic material from ending up in our landfills. In the 1990s, Solana Center planned and applied for permits to develop a commercial composting facility in Valley Center. That…

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Easy Ways to Rat and Critter-Proof Your Compost Bin

A common misconception and one we are often asked about is whether composting will attract rats.  Rats are quite prevalent in San Diego, particularly roof (or tree) rats.  Palm tree and other dense vegetation (bougainvillea, honeysuckle) provide ideal habitats. Food is often supplied from fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and bird feeders. It is important to note…

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Troubleshooting Your Backyard Compost Bin – Common Questions

Compost is a very forgiving process. There are many “roads to Rome,” and no two compost piles are alike. But sometimes things don’t seem to be going exactly how you want them to. Here are some common compost concerns and how to handle them. Every composter begins with their own unique blend of compostable materials…

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The Food Waste Hierarchy and Why Compost Matters

By Jami Wong, Marketing and Communications Manager If you’ve spent any time visiting the Solana Center lately, you may have heard us talking about the EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy.  As municipal landfills start to fill up with food waste, this inverted pyramid has become an increasingly important tool to educate our community on the steps we…

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Too many slugs in my compost bin!

Do you have too many slugs in your compost bin? In a spray bottle, mix in 1 cup ammonia to one quart water. Go out at night and spray slugs wherever you find them.  Ammonia will have no affect whatsoever on your compost.  It will only kill slugs and snails.  If you go slug hunting…

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“Rotline Question” of the Week: Composting Pumpkins?

It is pumpkin season, but now that you don’t need your carefully carved pumpkin any more, don’t throw it away! Pumpkin is a great addition to both your compost and worm bin! To add pumpkin to either bin, it is important that it is broken down into smaller pieces. Chop, cut, or saw the pumpkin…

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